What are IPTV services? The best way to watch TV!

It is no secret that television has been an important means of communication and entertainment for decades. It is surprising to see that, having been around for so long, it is still relevant in the face of today’s technological advances.

As it is to be expected, live television is not the same as it was in its beginnings. That is to say, the concept remains the same: to be able to watch and listen to content even from long distances. But it does not work in the same way. Over the years we have gone from using aerial antennas to the current common satellite and digital antennas.

But, as if that were not enough, more modern transmission models are present in our daily lives. Streaming services and IPTV services are clear examples of these technological advances related to television.

But what is IPTV? It will be surprising that you probably use this service and don’t know it! But, don’t worry, from Boom TV we will explain it in detail. We are experts in the field and we provide several live TV services, on-demand content and of course, the best IPTV service.

IPTV for beginners: what is it and how does it work?

Who hasn’t wanted or used on-demand TV or content services at some time? Who wouldn’t want to have a free movie service or free streaming content? With the IPTV service all this is possible!

Well, it sounds wonderful, but… What is it and how does it work? Let us explain it to you in simple words: IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television, basically it is a method of transmitting television over IP. This format differs from streaming services in that it does not use a direct internet connection and no recordings.

The IPTV service works only if a router or decoder is connected. This service is usually provided by operators (such as Boom TV) that provide one of these devices to enjoy your favorite content at the push of a button. It can be said that it is an advanced (and improved) format of cable television.

By using IPTV, a private and direct network is created between the users and the service provider. The transmissions are provided as a kind of on-demand content, reserving a certain amount of bandwidth exclusively for watching TV (around 30 or 40 MB, depending on the content).

So, we can indeed talk about IPTV streaming service. It is a very innovative method that you should try to live the experience.

Free IPTV services, is it possible?

To answer the question in the title: it is possible. But something that should not be confused is the IPTV service provided by operators, with the IPTV lists that circulate on the Internet. These lists are spread as an alternative to streaming services. And the fact is that getting free TV via streaming is possible, but risky if not treated with care.

The IPTV lists (also called “m3u” lists) can be a good alternative to contracting streaming services, cable TV or IPTV with a set-top box. These lists are free and can be decoded via cell phone or computer applications.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? The downside is that many times these services are not exactly the most secure. These lists can be used as a lure to compromise your security. Sometimes they are hosted on pages that contain malware and are just waiting to be installed on a computer, as a kind of bait waiting for you to fall for it.

Knowing all this you may ask if IPTV is legal. The answer is simple: if it is about lists on the Internet, it may not be, because, it is not known how the signals are obtained to transmit. If it is an IPTV service provided by an operator (such as Boom TV), it is completely legal, you have nothing to fear.

Looking for a good TV service? Contact us now!

good TV service

As you have seen, opting for an IPTV service is an excellent option. With Boom TV the options are very wide (from popular local channels, to a wide variety of international ones). You can find our channel lists at this link. We hope to have solved our doubts and to be an accessible option.

Enjoy your favorite content in an accessible way! Don’t hesitate to contact Boom TV. We offer the best IPTV service and varied on demand content at affordable prices and with more than 2,000 options and compatibility on various devices.

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